Enhancing Web Browsing Security with Barracuda SaaS Web Filter for Trent & Dove

Streamlining IT Services with Advanced SaaS Web Filtering Solutions

Introduction to Trent & Dove's Web Security Needs

Trent & Dove needed to improve their web browsing security and management service, the old Barracuda on-premise solution.

Challenges with Legacy On-Premise Web Filter Solution

Trent & Dove had been using the on-premise version of it’s web filter product, for years this product had been stable but over time became out of date, the solution required an on-premise virtual server which added support overhead, susceptibility to local performance issues and hampered mobility.

The solution had been relatively stable however had become out of date and would benefit from aligning to the cloud first strategy of the organisation.

Transition to Barracuda SaaS Web Filter

A4S cloud solutions work with the TDH IT service to review options to replace the on-premise web filter solution, subsequently we agreed a move to the SaaS version of the barracuda product would be the right choice due to it’s good feature set, attractive licensing, suitability to support mobility and integration with Azure Active Directory.

The SaaS solution works by installing an agent into the mobile device which then directs all web browsing traffic via the SaaS web filter.

The agent is automatically installed into the clients devices using Microsoft Intune deployment policies.

The client utilise Azure Active Groups to manage web filtering policy assignment and receives routine web usage reports from the SaaS service.

Key Features of Barracuda SaaS Web Filter

Being a SaaS solution it’s always up to date, the main features are listed below:

  • Integration: Fully integrated with the client Azure AD.
  • Web content filtering: A web filter can block access to websites and content based on pre-defined categories, such as adult content, social media, gaming, and streaming services. This helps to ensure that employees are using the internet for work-related purposes and helps to prevent security breaches.
  • Malware protection: A web filter can detect and block access to websites and downloads that contain malware, viruses, or other malicious code. This helps to prevent malware infections and other security breaches.
  • URL filtering: A web filter can block access to specific URLs or domains that are known to be malicious or non-work-related. This helps to prevent employees from accidentally or intentionally accessing dangerous or distracting websites.
  • SSL inspection: A web filter can decrypt and inspect SSL-encrypted traffic, which is increasingly used by cybercriminals to hide their malicious activity. This helps to ensure that all internet traffic is being monitored and filtered for potential threats.
  • Reporting and analytics: A web filter typically includes reporting and analytics tools that provide insights into network activity and usage. This helps IT teams to monitor overall network performance, identify potential security and compliance issues, and make informed decisions about network management.
  • User authentication: A web filter can require users to authenticate before accessing the internet, which helps to ensure that only authorised users are accessing the network. This can help to prevent security breaches and ensure compliance with company policies and regulations.

Benefits of Implementing SaaS Web Filtering Solutions

A SaaS web filter has lots of positives, the main ones listed below:

  • Efficient: The SaaS web filter agent on the client device talks securely via the internet directly to the SaaS service rather than needing to traverse a VPN with larger overhead to the clients data centre.
  • Easy to manage: SaaS web filters are typically easy to set up and manage, with user-friendly dashboards and reporting tools that provide insights into network activity and usage. This can help IT teams to quickly identify and address security and compliance issues, as well as monitor overall network performance.
  • Improved security: A SaaS web filter provides an additional layer of security for your network by blocking access to malicious websites, phishing scams, and other cyber threats. This helps to prevent malware infections and other security breaches that could compromise your company’s data.
  • Increased productivity: A web filter can block access to non-work-related websites and apps, such as social media, gaming sites, and video streaming services. By limiting access to these distractions, employees are more likely to stay focused on their work, leading to increased productivity and efficiency.
  • Better compliance: SaaS web filters can be configured to block access to websites and content that violate company policies, industry regulations, or legal requirements. This helps to ensure that employees are following the rules and can prevent legal and regulatory issues.
  • Reduced bandwidth usage: By blocking access to bandwidth-intensive sites and services, a web filter can help to reduce overall bandwidth usage on your network. This can help to improve network performance and reduce costs associated with excessive bandwidth usage.

Outcome: Enhanced IT Focus and Security for Trent & Dove

Trent and Dove IT teams are now able to focus on the delivery of IT services to their own internal customers and tenants whilst knowing the Barracuda SaaS web filter solution is preventing risks caused by dangerous web browsing.

About Trent & Dove

Trent and Dove Housing is an amazing business that provides life changing services to it’s clients and truly has an incredibly positive social impact.

Trent and Dove Housing is a charitable organisation who’s staff are devoted to improving the lives of it’s tenants and other in the surrounding areas.

We recommend reviewing their ‘about us’ section for more information: https://www.trentanddove.org/about-us/

Client comments on Barracuda SaaS Web Filter

“I have been thoroughly impressed with the IT support provided by the A4S Cloud Solutions team who are always prompt in responding to our requests and they consistently go above and beyond to resolve any issues we encounter.

They are highly knowledgeable and always offer clear and concise solutions to our IT problems. Thanks to their support, we have experienced minimal downtime and our systems run smoothly. I highly recommend the A4S team to anyone looking for reliable and expert IT support.”

Enhancing Web Browsing Security with Barracuda SaaS Web Filter for Trent & Dove

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